Therapy for Young Professionals & Students

I provide quality therapy for young professionals in NYC who want to do more than just get by. Therapy will help to unlock your full potential. 

I want to help you not just survive but thrive

We’ll work together to increase your confidence and maximize your strengths. Being a young professional in NYC can be a vulnerable experience that exposes your insecurities. I want to help you become more playful and curious about your life both at work and outside of it.

Young professionals living in NYC have a lot to navigate. If you’re in your mid to late 20s and 30s, there’s a lot you’re figuring out. You may be dealing with:

  • Navigating dating and relationships

  • Dealing with breakups

  • Managing friendships

  • Figuring out work-life balance

  • Dealing with work-related stress

  • Climbing the career ladder 

  • Handling the stress that comes with being a young professional in NYC

  • Being an entrepreneur


Whatever level of school you are pursuing, being a college student is the next step in your life and adjustment by itself. Whether you are living on a college campus or renting an apartment far away from your family, these experiences might be new to you and might contribute to worries, stress, anxiety, and feeling isolated. I specialize in providing therapy and mental health support to FIT students, Barnard students, Columbia students, and UPenn students. Whether you're dealing with academic stress, creative burnout, or personal challenges, I can help."

therapy for college students New York

Common stressors college students experience are: 

  • Navigating competitive academic programs,

  • Navigating friendships and relationships

  • Dealing with family stressors

  • Establishing fundamentals of careers

  • Developing self-esteem

As a college student at FIT, Barnard, Columbia, or UPenn, you may feel like you're in survival mode, juggling academic pressure, personal challenges, and stress. You aren’t alone with your feelings. These colleges are very competitive and can contribute to worries and feeling not good enough. One of the common fears is the fear of failure. Having first exposure to a career field may also contribute to having lots of doubts about your abilities or imposter syndrome.

I help college students with the following issues:

  • Fear of failure

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Worries about academics

  • Procrastination

  • Fear of public speaking

  • Setting up boundaries with roommates

  • Codependent relationships

  • Loneliness

It’s time you noticed that you ARE worthy – just the way you are. I’m here to help you be your own cheerleader rather than your biggest critic.