My Reflection To Current College Students
I recently was asked to participate in the digital series for the Office of Brooklyn College Alumni Engagement, my Alma Mater.
I asked to write about two questions.
First, What advice would you give to Brooklyn College students today?
Second, what was the best memory of your time at Brooklyn College?
Learning is not happening when you isolate yourself. Build the community of support around yourself, whether it is a group study for the midterm or final. Look around and notice resources on the college campus that will help you to thrive.
Whether it is a tutoring center to get additional support or a Personal Counseling Center to get emotional support, IT IS OKAY TO ASK AND RECEIVE HELP!
When you tell yourself that you are NOT ALONE in your study journey, you start noticing resources that will help you.
Expose yourself to career development starting from day one. Take advantage of all the excellent workshops and tools that the career center provides to the students. Do not afraid to ask questions in class or after class if you do not understand the material. Notice what is stopping you from asking questions.
The setting where your study creates motivation and reinforces you to focus.
I enjoyed studying in Brooklyn College's beautiful library, seeing other students working so hard, which motivate me to study myself. Notice what settings helping you to focus and what settings distract you. Academic journey or career development is not a linear process. You will have your ups and downs, victories and losses. You will have your moment of vulnerability and confidence. Bring compassion to your academic journey, not criticism. If you notice challenges with your academic journey, whether taking a challenging class or being stressed out by outside things happening in your life, give yourself permission to ask and receive help. Become your best cheerleader.
Being a part of the diverse community of learners who is not only students but wearing so many different hats outside of campus: whether being a parent, partner, caretaker, first time generation of immigrant, employee.
I have several favorite memories at Brooklyn College. First, being a part of the diverse community of learners who are not only students but wearing so many different hats outside of campus: whether being a parent, partner, caretaker, first-time generation of immigrant, and employees. Another memory is sitting near a beautiful pond during Spring and Summer and walking by Victorian houses in the Fall.